
Auto-update for time blocks, onboarding tutorial

March 19, 2024

As promised, we're back in just a week to keep our communication with you frequent and transparent. Here are the updates for the second week of March and what to expect next week.

This Week's Highlights ⭐

Auto-Update for Time Block Events Upon Task Completion 🤖

When you complete a time-blocked task on your calendar, the task's end time automatically updates to the current time. This means no more unnecessary alarms or schedule adjustments for tasks completed in the future. Plus, if you're tracking time for a task, the actual time used will be reflected!

Onboarding Tutorial 🧭

Our UX interviews revealed that some users were unclear about how to use OFFLIGHT. To address this, we've prepared a step-by-step tutorial. If you want to fully understand how to use OFFLIGHT, try the tutorial.

Hidden Gems 💎

Improved UX for Time-Tracking Tasks

Interacting with time-tracking tasks was previously limited. Now, you can delete, unplan, register calendar events, change order—basically, do anything you want with them.

🔎 Small details - When you register an event at the current time, time tracking continues. If you register it before or after the current time, time tracking will pause automatically.

Revamped Landing Page

We've redesigned the OFFLIGHT landing page to reflect the upcoming improvements. Check it out to see a glimpse of the future OFFLIGHT!

Explore the Landing Page

Upcoming Next Week 🚀

Drag & Drop Improvements

We are refining the drag & drop functionality across all pages to ensure it works as intended. By next week, you'll experience a completely revamped drag & drop feature.

Faster Calendar Event Sync

Syncing events from Google Calendar to OFFLIGHT has been slow. Starting next week, calendar events will sync within a second.

Undo Task Deletion 💎

We understand the frustration of accidentally deleting a task. Starting next week, you'll be able to undo deleted tasks.

Behind the Scenes 

  • Since early February, our team has been working hard to achieve a 15% activation rate through usability improvements and the onboarding tutorial. This week, we finally hit that 15%! (We’ll also share our future goals with you soon.) 🎉
  • To optimize our learning, we started running weekly sprints. There will be some trial and error, but we aim to learn quickly and deliver a better product to you faster. 🧑‍🎓
  • Senior BE developer Luke has joined the OFFLIGHT team! Expect faster and more stable service from now on. 😎

Special Thanks 💞

A big thank you to Seunggon Lee, Doheon Kwon, Nathan Kwon, Hansol Jang, Wonjun Shin, Jihyun Kim, Jongyoon Yoon, Dongyoung Kim, and Jaewon Jeong for sharing their testimonials! We promise to keep improving our service for you.

Tasks cleared on OFFLIGHT
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